Watershed Psychological Services Somatic Experiential Play Therapy Training This training focuses on developing skills in Somatic Experiential Play Therapy, including the ability to understand metaphor and the power of play for children as they process their pain and trauma. Skills in being able to identify fight/flight/freeze responses in a child’s body during play will also be addressed. This is a week long intensive training for professionals which includes being able to conduct 7 live play therapy sessions with a child while being supervised with a “bug in the ear” and live coaching from Missy and Sara. See our website for more details HERE!
Bethel University Play Therapy Certificate With Bethel University’s unique play therapy certificate, you’ll gain the specialized education you need to become a registered play therapist. Featuring flexible schedules, hybrid courses, and experiential training, this 16-month certificate program will prepare you to advance your career and make a meaningful difference in the lives of young people. Ready to get started? Start your free application.
Virtual Contact Training: None listed at this time
Non Contact Virtual Training:
Ann Meehan | Meehan Mental Health Services APT Approved CE Courses: